Is More Information Better for Decision-Making?

INFO SCIENCE: An interesting upcoming lecture for those in Seattle:
Tuesday, October 26th, The Information School's Center for Human-Information Interaction at the University of Washington will be hosting:
Speaker: Dr. Debra Friedman, Director of Special Projects, Development and Alumni Relations, and Affiliate Associate Professor, Evans School of Public Affairs, University of Washington.
Title: Is More Information Better for Decision-Making?
An abiding assumption in decision theory is that additional information allows individuals to make better choices. This is often applied in the social policy realm. Well-intentioned public and non-profit officials commonly attempt to provide more information to the public to shape decisions such as school choice, public transportation usage, and the like. Recent discussions of the human capacity for assimilating information and analysis of the costs of gathering information have cast doubt on this assumption.
Date: Tuesday, October 26th, 3:30pm-5:00pm
The lecture will take place at The Information School, University of Washington, Mary Gates Hall, Room 420. Directions.
Please see our website for details about the Center.
Best wishes
Center for Human-Information Interaction
Sounds interesting!
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