TiVo / Congress Suxx0rz

INFO TECHNOLOGY: Want to skip TV commercials? Then you're going to have to skip Tivo too. The company has decided that your Tivo interface is a great spot for banner ads. Ugh, banner ads, the most annoying and ineffective ads on Earth. Wtf Tivo?
Coming soon to the standalone TiVo OS: when you hit fast forward to skip past commercials, small banner ads will show up on your screen. You'll be able to click them to get more info, see an infomercial, or send your home address details to get more info about a product mailed to you.
I was thinking of buying a new Tivo for Christmas, but I sure won't consider it anymore.
In other news, the MPAA is pressuring congress to make fastforwarding through commercials illegal.
Several lobbying camps from different industries and ideologies are joining forces to fight an overhaul of copyright law, which they say would radically shift in favor of Hollywood and the record companies and which Congress might try to push through during a lame-duck session that begins this week.
Well, if either of these stories comes to pass, it'll be a good day to be a BitTorrent user. Honestly, it's like the MPAA and Television industry wants to drive their customers away. We all know how well being unabashedly anti-customers has worked out for the RIAA.
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