Red States Ain't Abstaining

INFO VISUALIZATION: It Affects You has a table showing the teen birth rates of red states and blue states.
The "value" column is the "Birth rate per 1,000 estimated female population aged 15-19 years in each area." The data comes from the 9th page of this 2002 CDC Report.
This analysis is interesting but I have a few questions.
1) Why is the District of Columbia missing? Perhaps because it is geographically the odd-man-out. Or maybe because it is the bluest of the blue states and also has a higher teenage birth rate then any other state listed (69.1).
2) How is abortion effecting this table? (This table shows only births, not the pregnancy rate overall.)
Reader Comments (5)
I also have to wonder about how the "red" states are tending to be those states with more "conservative" right-of-center leanings. Which I find ironic due to the prevalence of endorsements for abstinence-only education within the conservative camp.
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