Final Fantasy MMORPG Census

INFO VISUALIZATION: Final Fantasy XI (yet another massive multiplayer online roll playing game... excuse me while I catch my breath) has posted a census of their online community. (Don't miss the little links at the bottom that take you to the pages with more detail!) It's well presented and quite interesting for anyone who has played this type of game before. Currently, they have more then 500,000 active players.
Interesting to note is the time at which people log-in. Japanese and East Coast American players are the least likely to ever meet each other online due to large time differences. Judging from this diagram, the most populated time for the game is around 3:00pm Sunday afternoon in Japan, which is 11:00pm Saturday night in Pacific Standard Time.
Although it’s a bummer the two communities don’t have more shared time online, it demonstrates how having both sides of the pacific on shared servers can balance the load and maximize their resources. And while this information is interesting, I'd love to see more more more. For example, which server is richest? What are their GDPs? Where are the areas with the most population density? There are a lot of opportunities for interesting meta-data in MMORPGs.
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