Chip Kidd Interview

VISUAL COMMUNICATION: Graphic designer Chip Kidd has done a ton of highly recognizable book covers, including David Sedaris' new book, Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim.
The Onion's A.V. Club has a great interview with this cool guy. Here are my two favorite quotes from the article.
One of the things I learned while majoring in graphic design in college, that I've always taken very much to heart... The teacher one day drew an apple on the blackboard, and then wrote the word "apple" underneath it. He pointed to the whole thing and he said, "You should never do this." He covered up the picture and said, "You either just have the word," then covered up the word and said, "or you just have the picture. But don't do both." It's insulting to the reader, or the viewer, or whoever. I think that's true.
I don't avoid repeating myself. I rip myself off all the time. But you also have to try and constantly rethink the form. It's very important. Or everything will just get stale.
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