Online Game Exchange Rates

INFO TECHNOLOGY: Could Play Vault be the beginning of a currency exchange market for massive multiplayer online games?
How it works
Once you find a Partner game you like, PlayVault fetches your old game currency so our Partner game can provide you with the proper amount of currency on your new game.
What's different
1) Our Partner games set the rates you will receive currency at, add it to the game, and deliver it to you
2) It's free. We support the service with referral fees from Partner games
3) There’s no buying, selling, auctioning, markets or anything like that - We are strictly a migration platform
The Catch
To retrieve your currency you have to sign up to a Partner game using the links on our pages. The PlayVault service is free.
Supposedly, this is being supported by game providers to reduce the barriers of entry to new games from old games.
(The logic being: If you have 800 hours logged on Game A, it can be hard to give it up and start over on Game B. However, if you could transfer your Level 2000 ÜberMage's cash to a new game, you're more likely to try something new.)
However, this is in no way a free market; the exchange rates are imposed by the gaming services themselves.
(Via Terra Nova)
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