
BOOKMARK: Some quick links:
A critique of Mozilla's marketing and website design:
Let's look at the Download Now! box on the same Firefox page. Hmmm. Download now or get a CD thru the mail. Thru the mail obviously means money so is the download for free? It doesn't say free anywhere... Why should I pay for a revelatory Google thing computer experience... I don't even know what it does.
A program to find out what an RFID tag is saying:
RFDump is a tool to detect RFID-Tags and show their meta information: Tag ID, Tag Type, manufacturer etc.
An article about the future of AI:
Will machines make humans smarter or just more dependent on our calculators, car navigators, and kitchen conveniences? Dr. Ken Ford of the Institute of Human and Machine Cognition reclassifies several key problems in developing smarter machines into a category called "Amplified Intelligence."
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