P2P Threatens Economic National Security (Huh?)

INFO SCIENCE: Just when you thought the most evil administration (and unlike the administration, I don't use the word evil very often) couldn't get anymore fucking eviler, John Ashcroft's Intellectual Property goon says that downloading music is a threat to national security.
Business Week: You've said that the theft of intellectual property is a national security problem. Why?
Butt Hat: First of all, we talk about it being an issue of economic national security. Our economy is so based on intellectual property ideas that, unless we can protect them, we're really looking at a situation where it's going to hurt our ability to survive as a country.
Secondly, so much of what we do now involves computers, whether it be with software or other types of communication lines. Often, intellectual property is a key component to the things we do to protect ourselves as a country. (Me: does that make any sense to anybody?)
Um, yeah. Good thing these guys don't have anything better to do with their time, like, perhaps real threats to national security, like Homo Matt Drudge.
(via BoingBoing)
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