Data on Schiavo

INFO VISUALIZATION: Mediamaters calls CNN on their flatly stupid representation of poll results on their webpage. Let's give a looksy:
Yes, that's right. Stupid. The difference between the two data points is 8% -- but you wouldn't notice that without paying close attention. The difference is only 1% greater then the margin of error (7%).
Thankfully, CNN later updated the chart on their webpage.
If you want some polling data surrounding the Schiavo issue, check out this CBS article.
An overwhelming 82 percent of the public believes the Congress and President should stay out of the matter. There is widespread cynicism about Congress' motives for getting involved: 74 percent say Congress intervened to advance a political agenda, not because they cared what happened to Terri Schiavo. Public approval of Congress has suffered as a result; at 34 percent, it is the lowest it has been since 1997, dropping from 41 percent last month. Now at 43 percent, President Bush’s approval rating is also lower than it was a month ago.
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